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Xunor the enigmatic
A classical riddle

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Railway mystery
Thanks Jp for translating this page.

In a railway station located somewhere between Paris and Lyon.

In this station, the frequency of the trains in the Lyon-Paris direction and Paris-Lyon are the same : 1 per hour. It remains constant in time.
A person who would randomly go on the gate (anytime) and wait for the first train to pass, whould either have a chance to see the Paris-Lyon or the Lyon-Paris.
The following month the chances to see the Paris-Lyon in first falls down to 1 out of 12.

We ask you to find what changed, knowing that the trains frequency remains the same.

This riddle keeps you busy already since

Congratulations XBdE on his solution of the 09/22/02 but don't look at it, it's always better to find oneself...
Last edit for this page: 08/29/2011 (09h04am)